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Proof of ownership

Ursula Kaiserin, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the

World Bank Group CC/ Worldwide*

IBRD, IDA, MIGA and ICSID, 1818 H Street

N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433


Germany, Luebeck, Monday, 24 June 2002

Free English translation on 1 November 2021.

Financing Pot / Support / CC to all Banks and Credit Institutions

Please, let the German-language writing be translated into all commercial languages and let be signed the translation with the name and the function of the translator.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Upper End Consumer Class!

It is high time for you, too, to take note of the existence of your Authorities by being confronted with reality through these special lines.

Your Empress, who also has to bring you and your kind through the life you are yet to know, is now writing to you to keep an order that has already been established.

You will now please inform yourselves of the real situation in which we all find ourselves together and you will then please obey accordingly!

Your Empress demands from every single so-called house-owner, land-owner, shareholder, owner of valuables, large land-owner, lord of a castle, industrialist, factory owner, owner of a sailing yacht from every millionaire, millionairess or multi-millionaire, multi-millionairess, billionaire* a very precise statement and balance sheet of how you and your kind and all capitalists worldwide have come to own more property.

You will please think through your entire career ladder, list all the business you have done and base the resulting total wealth or property in writing.

If, accordingly, you have come into considerable property or capital by inheritance, you are requested to break down this inheritance, for the money can only in very rare cases have been honestly earned to a more considerable amount.

Either the money will have come together through speculation, fraud or through a gambling win, through investments* (industrialisation)* financed by others, through the credit institutions, financial institutions and through imposture, or it is a matter of a superman or a superwoman who earned the money.

How do you actually justify an hourly wage of more than 30 euros compared to a craftsman? What yardstick do you actually use and do you actually have a yardstick?

As a "high earner", what kind of work do you actually do every hour in this ratio, year after year? In reality, it is an annual average attendance bonus with a hot seat function that you have to master, there is not much more behind such bonuses!

Such remuneration bears no real relation to a manual activity through the use of physical strength or the mental power of, for example, a teacher, through which something was demonstrably created or moved.

Please submit your annual income including all distributions and special remunerations. Against this, please submit your annual performance. You will certainly all find that you have to pay back more than half and that the rest has been given to you.*

You measure your hourly wage against your own important presence but not against your performance, which would be impossible even in these dimensions for a longer period of time for health reasons.

You cannot measure yourself against a top athlete or actor, despite royalties and bonuses, these achievements are priceless or are they not*, you sick nuts!

This is the balance sheet that you too will face at some point; please remember that and pay off your mountain of debt!! !! You're just fooling each other, that's all there really is to it! 

No one, no one except your Authorities, can honestly have earned more than 100,000 euros for a house in their lifetime from their own efforts. If there should be anyone at all who has earned and saved 100,000 euros by his own efforts, then this person must have done without almost everything else that life can offer.

Should there indeed be people who have built themselves a house, through such saved money and perhaps also created the house out of their own physical strength, these personalities are please also requested to prepare the requested list and balance sheet about it!

Of course, such property will be treated and recognised accordingly. All others will feel the Cudgel of your Empress, especially if you or anyone else should refuse to return the capital and assets that have been scammed. This money will be paid into the big communal pot and will go back or be invested fairly in all the states of the earth!

Now many of you will have looked out for number one  and it will be just those from whom no corresponding consideration can be demanded, because often these people are rather twisted and no longer have much to give, so that your Empress must have a special eye on this broken society*, because they and also you should be brought through life.

First of all, it was you who let the dirt into the house, and then you were involved and made money or profited from it, taking care* that you could get into an elevated position and security, so that you could then set yourselves apart.

In the process, you acquired a dog to guard your property, to protect your house and property, so that you could enjoy peace, power, comfort and prestige.

Many of you then acquired cats and secluded yourselves abroad or own places and domiciles where you can retire several times a year. As a rule, you have ensured that your offspring follow in your footsteps, as well as a Porsche, Mercedes or a Ferrari.

A title, an executive position, a degree and much more, even a heart or a kidney you could now buy for yourselves and your children. You should quickly realise that you are now finished with your scammed, concocted profiteering!! ! !*

It's over now!

You will now get off your sick tush and inform your children about your so-called fortune. You will have to make it clear to your children that from now on riding a bicycle is the order of the day!

*For the time being, you will be allowed to stay in your villas, houses and ((castles* (No longer current.*) as long as the Lord and Creator tolerates it; however, please change one thing immediately; especially* you, as the citizens of Luebeck*, change to public transport or to the bicycle.

The taxi is also cancelled for you, unless you need to see a doctor, perhaps also because your Empress has had your bottom spanked.

You will now lie down in your bed every evening dressed in nightclothes and spend ten minutes thinking about what you have done in the matter and order of the Lord, or what you will do about it the next day; otherwise the Empress's Cudgel will beat your bottom black and blue!! ! !*

There is much to be done, especially for you and your kind, this offer is valid. Should you not give a corresponding consideration, then this will have to be settled in beating, no matter what age you have reached.

The older you are, the higher your final consumption has certainly become; you had better not forget that! You will then certainly have children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, to whom you will please put a stop to your exemplary would-be-great lifestyle financially and in every respect*!

Should you not be worth the trouble, then you will be removed and will certainly have to take over the upcoming service there* (Presumably some Luebecker citizens  can name you the centro (it) or the avvenimento (it)*).

There* you will not be asked long and fidgeted with, there it will go round and will also be obeyed! Here on God's earth you thus have the opportunity to do service and to render it, or to give a service, in return* for what you have done and also what have done others.c 

Especially if you have knowledge of English and would-be-great experience, you should take the initiative and go for a time mainly to the USA* (Monaco/ Russia etc.*).

There you should make contact with the totally detached people and try to bring them back down to earth.

Such help should be recognised and should be financially and humanly possible for you. If necessary, vacate the place you are currently occupying professionally.

Your Empress only wants seasoned personalities in leadership positions, but no clever cooked-up buffoons who can only think from today to tomorrow!

Take the places that are meant for you.

As a wife and mother, secure your child or children by taking a paid housewife's job and handing over your presumably "demanding" job to others!  Please take care of your spouse and please inform your entire circle of acquaintances.

You will now all have to pay into the big pot!* 

P. p.

Empress Wednesday, 14 August 2002

Please, let this letter be handed over to your regular customers timely, (But not before the Cudgel of your Empress is going to work.*) Anymore actual.*)

30 April 2010* (See date and * for revision and additions to the letter) 06 March 2017*.

*Integrate!!  27.01.2021

This letter is now almost eight years* old and has been swept under the table like many a valuable letter which together could form a priceless book!

In the meantime, many things have happened to me which are not legal and which were not legal. For this reason, in the course of the next period, everyone will leave their villa and move into a block of flats or a tent.

People who can show a real life achievement will be allowed to move into the vacated villas for the time being or remain resident in the villa, otherwise these villas will be available empty for emergencies.

In my opinion, a real life achievement would be, for example, the following:

1) To have raised more than two children, all of whom have grown up as mentally healthy people, and to have integrated grandparents/ great-grandparents or a remaining parent into family life.

2)  To have given birth to a child who knowingly did not develop healthily or normally in the womb during pregnancy, without knowingly being at fault by not aborting the child and not passing it on to others, but raising and caring for it oneself.

3) To have foregone a career or additional income by caring for one's sick parents or remaining parent and integrating them into one's life at one's own expense.

4) As a Christian, having successfully ensured that people in the poorer regions of the world become equal human beings and do not have to die of hunger, misery and disease.

5) As a Christian and as an affected person of non-Christian cultures, has ensured that the truth of the story of Creation and the resulting commission prevail in the matter without wars and bloodshed.

6) As a human being, stood up for the higher right to have the highest priority over one's own life and, if necessary, staked one's life or health for the higher right.


An already performed abortion in each case* of both parties involved does not allow in principle a right to live in a villa or in a house, let alone in a castle!

These are guidelines against which a measurement is possible, because my opinion is in this our situation and time, law! 

08 September 2019* / 16 March 2020